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Un bel été

Chantal Akerman, Lilian Bourgeat, George Brecht, stanley brouwn, Fischli & Weiss, Dan Graham, Peter Halley, Oliver Herring, Hirakawa Ann Veronica Janssens, Allan Kaprow, Mike Kelley, Paul Mc Carthy, Carrie Mae Weems, Bertrand Lavier, Glenn Ligon, Piero Manzoni, Tracey Moffat, Mariko Mori, Bruce Nauman, Cady Noland, Jack Pierson, Richard Prince, Gerhard Richter, Pipilotti Rist, Roger Wagner, Andy Warhol, Vera Weisgerber et Pascale Wiedemann
Michel Assenmaker, Eric Brunier, Enrico Lunghi

What makes this exhibition so special is not only the familiarity and close relation between works of art produced by artists of different generations, but also the diversity of the applied techniques and styles. And yet the various works were chosen independently from one another by three curators.The curators' choices are in a way answers to the following questions:- is it still possible today to organize exhibitions which do not, a priori, hinge on a precise theme or discourse?- how can there be coherence in an exhibition if each work is selected according to the individual tastes and preferences of different curators?- is the mere intention to reflect everyday life enough to make works of art attractive and to confer social responsibility to an exhibition?Only the exhibition itself can answer these questions. But it is worth mentioning that each piece has been selected because of the urgent need to show it. It will be the purpose of Un bel été to show to what extent each work of art is unique.

