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Lunch Knowledge Shot

Catherine Duboutay

VENUE: CID Fraen an Gender, 14, rue Beck, L-1222 Luxembourg

The CID supports artist Catherine Duboutay in their research and project as part of the exhibition Woven In Vegetal Fabric: On Plant Becomings at Casino Display (28.01 - 27.02.2022).

At the Lunch Knowledge Shot they will present their artistic work as well as the research behind the exhibition on display at Casino Display.

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Possibility to follow the discussion online:

meeting-ID: 854 7286 4005identification code: 602995


(pronouns: they/them)

ADBK Nürnberg, Master Live Art Forms: Performative Practices Master (currently). 2021, ZHdK Zürich, Master of Fine Art; 2019, HBKsaar, Bachelor of Fine Arts.

Catherine Duboutay, artist based in Zurich and Luxembourg. Their artistic practice starts with the human body and leads, through theoretical questions and writing, to video works, installations and performances. In their contribution to Woven In Vegetal Fabric: On Plant Becomings, they investigate the link between aphrodisiacs, gender and misplacement. The work explores how to connect to and listen to our bodies and deconstruct the nature/culture dichotomy through a state of bewilderment while learning from plants.

Woven in vegetal fabric
