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L'effet Larsen

L'effet Larsen, 2002
Collective books

Works (sound and video installations, CD-ROMs, diagrams, documentaries, photographs, performances, sculptures, drawings) by some fifteen international artists, in which the phenomenon of feedback, in its most diverse forms, was defined as the starting point of the creative and creative processes.

Artists: Sven Augustijnen, Pierre Bismuth, Manon De Boer, Gerhard Dirmoser, Dan Graham, Margarete Jahrmann & Max Moswitzer, Daniela Keiser, Dieter Kiessling, Ken Lum, Matt Mullican, Boris Rebetez, Daniel Roth, Simon Starling, Mija Tušek, Keith Tyson, Peter Zimmermann


German, French;

transl. English


Franz Xaver Baier, Moritz Küng, Geneviève Mosseray; preface by Enrico Lunghi and Martin Sturm. Glossary of terms related to the feedback phenomenon


L’Effet Larsen

09.03 – 09.6.2002, Casino Luxembourg


208 p., ill. coul. & b/w;

27×21 cm; biogr. (sel.),

bibliogr. (selected)


Mevis & Van Deursen, Amsterdam


Triton Verlag, Vienna, Casino Luxembourg and O.K Centrum für Gegenwartskunst, Linz, June 2002

ISBN 3-85486-132-X



Collective books